Limited Liability Partnership

Currently, Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) companies have gained immense popularity in India, particularly in the service sector. These entities combine the advantages of a partnership firm and a duly incorporated limited liability company. LLPs provide several exclusive benefits compared to other company types, such as ease of formation, efficient business management, favorable taxation, and simplified regulatory compliances. They also offer the flexibility to have a higher number of partners, among other advantages. As a result, numerous limited liability partnership companies have been established by our renowned law firm in India over the past years. To provide valuable insights and assistance to individuals and companies in India and worldwide, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to LLP registration in India, which contains highly informative and useful information.

What is LLP and What are the features of an LLP ?

A Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) is a legal business structure that combines the benefits of a partnership and a limited liability company. It offers its partners limited liability protection, meaning they are not personally responsible for the debts and liabilities of the LLP. LLPs are commonly used by professionals, entrepreneurs, and small businesses, as they provide a flexible and efficient way to conduct business.

Features of an LLP :

Limited Liability: One of the key features of an LLP is that the personal assets of its partners are protected from the debts and obligations of the business. The liability of each partner is limited to the extent of their contribution to the LLP.

Separate Legal Entity: An LLP is considered a separate legal entity from its partners. It can own assets, enter into contracts, sue, and be sued in its own name. This provides a distinct legal identity to the business.

Perpetual Existence: The LLP has perpetual existence, which means it continues to exist even if one or more partners leave or new partners are added. The death or retirement of a partner does not affect the existence of the LLP.

Flexibility in Management: LLPs offer flexibility in managing the business. Partners can decide on the management structure, roles, and responsibilities, making it easier to adapt to changing circumstances and requirements.

No Minimum Capital Requirement: There is no minimum capital requirement for forming an LLP. The partners can contribute capital as per their mutual agreement, making it accessible for startups and small businesses.

Pass-through Taxation: LLPs enjoy pass-through taxation, similar to partnerships. The profits or losses of the LLP are passed through to the individual partners, and they are taxed at their individual income tax rates.

Limited Number of Partners: While there is no maximum limit on the number of partners, an LLP must have at least two designated partners, and at least one of them must be a resident of India.

Limited Regulatory Compliances: LLPs have relatively fewer regulatory compliances compared to private limited companies. They are not required to hold annual general meetings or maintain elaborate statutory records.

Easy Formation and Dissolution: Forming an LLP involves simpler registration procedures compared to companies. Likewise, the process of dissolving an LLP is less complex than winding up a company.

Audit Requirements: LLPs are required to get their accounts audited only if their annual turnover exceeds a specified threshold.

These features make the LLP an attractive and widely adopted form of business organization in India, especially for professionals, startups, and small businesses seeking limited liability protection and operational flexibility.


What are the requirements for incorporation of an LLP?

Incorporating a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) in India involves several steps and requirements. Here are the key requirements for the incorporation of an LLP in India:

Partners: An LLP must have a minimum of two designated partners, and there is no restriction on the maximum number of partners. At least one of the designated partners must be a resident of India. Designated partners are responsible for compliance with all legal requirements.

Name Reservation: The first step is to choose a unique name for the LLP. The name should not be identical or similar to any existing company or LLP name. The proposed name must be checked for availability and reserved through the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) RUN-LLP (Reserve Unique Name-Limited Liability Partnership) service.

Digital Signature Certificate (DSC): All designated partners are required to obtain a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) from government-approved agencies. The DSC is necessary for digitally signing the incorporation documents.

Director Identification Number (DIN): The designated partners must also obtain a Director Identification Number (DIN) from the MCA. DIN is a unique identification number required for individuals acting as directors in any company or LLP.

Incorporation Documents: The designated partners need to prepare the incorporation documents, which include the LLP Agreement, Form FiLLiP (Form for incorporation of Limited Liability Partnership), and other necessary forms as per the LLP Act.

LLP Agreement: An LLP Agreement is a crucial document that defines the mutual rights, duties, and obligations among the partners and the LLP. It should be drafted and executed on non-judicial stamp paper with appropriate stamp duty, and all partners must sign it.

Filing with Registrar of Companies (RoC): The incorporation documents, along with the required fees, need to be filed electronically with the concerned RoC of the state where the registered office of the LLP is situated.

Payment of Fees:  The required fees for the incorporation process and stamp duty for the LLP Agreement must be paid at the time of filing the incorporation documents.

Registered Office: The LLP must have a registered office in India from the date of incorporation, where all official communication will be sent.

Consent and Declaration: Each designated partner must give their consent to act as a partner and declare that all the information provided during the incorporation process is accurate.

Once all the necessary documents are filed and the RoC is satisfied with the compliance, the LLP will be incorporated, and a Certificate of Incorporation will be issued. The entire process usually takes a few days to complete, subject to the RoC’s processing time and adherence to all legal requirements. It is recommended to seek professional assistance to ensure the incorporation process is smooth and compliant with all applicable laws and regulations.